Diet and Lifestyle Modifications need to follow According to Ayurveda for Diabetes Management:
Diet Modifications:
Balanced Diet:
-Whole Grains: Include barley, millet, and quinoa.
-Legumes: Lentils, chickpeas, and mung beans.
-Fresh Vegetables: Bitter gourd, fenugreek, spinach, and broccoli.
-Fruits: Opt for low-sugar fruits like berries, green apples, and pears.
Healthy Fats:
Pure Desi A2 Ghee: Use in moderation as it aids digestion and balances Vata and Pitta.
Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, flaxseeds, and chia seeds.
Foods to Avoid:
-Refined Sugars and Processed Foods: Minimize intake of sweets, pastries, and packaged snacks.
-Excessive Carbohydrates: Limit white rice, bread, and pasta.
-Dairy Products: Especially full-fat and sweetened varieties.
Meal Timing:
Eat meals at regular intervals to maintain blood sugar levels.
Avoid skipping meals and excessive fasting.
Lifestyle Modifications:
Physical Activity:
-Exercise Regularly: Engage in activities like brisk walking, yoga, or swimming for at least 30 minutes daily.
-Yoga Poses: Practice specific asanas such as Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend), Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), and Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) to stimulate the pancreas and improve metabolism.
Stress Management:
-Meditation: Practice daily to reduce stress and improve mental clarity.
-Pranayama (Breathing Exercises): Techniques like Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing) and Kapalbhati (Skull Shining Breath) help balance energy and reduce stress.
Routine and Sleep:
-Daily Routine: Follow a consistent daily routine (Dinacharya) including regular meal times, exercise, and sleep.
-Adequate Sleep: Ensure 7-8 hours of restful sleep each night to support overall health.
-Drink Warm Water: Prefer warm or room temperature water to aid digestion.
-Herbal Teas: Consume teas made from ginger, basil, and cinnamon like Deep Ayurveda Immuno+ Tea.
Mindful Eating:
-Eat Slowly: Chew food thoroughly and avoid overeating.
-Avoid Distractions: Focus on your meal without engaging in other activities like watching TV, Mobile or working.
By integrating these Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle modifications along with Deep Ayurveda Diabetes reverse Pack, you can effectively manage & reverse diabetes, improve overall health, and enhance your quality of life.