Diabetes and its Ayurvedic management
Diabetes usually referred to as sugar in an ordinary lifestyle. Before we dive into the matter let's just get ourselves an outline of what diabetes is.
As we have often emphasized, the Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha are the three Doshas in Ayurveda. Let's just look at it more specifically so that we could assess what goes with different kinds of symptoms and signs.
Considering all the doshas the type of diabetes is divided into 20 kinds with Vata Dosha having 10 categories, Pitta having 6, and 4 Kapha of types.
Significant reasons that cause the diabetes are:-
The imbalance of the three doshas i.e. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha
The seven Dushya in our body
i.e. rasa, rakta, mansa, medha, asthi, majja, and Shukra
When all of these factors aren't aligned with each other, there is delayed processing to conduct their specific functions and face challenges in day-to-day activities. This is what one should be alarmed by.
One should try and maintain the intake of a balanced diet along with all the necessary constituents of food such as carbohydrates, protein, fats, and minerals for Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes. The food we consume provides us energy by breaking down into glucose and releasing it into the bloodstream. The largest gland of your body called the liver is the one that produces insulin which maintains the blood glucose level. Insulin produced by the liver takes up glucose from the bloodstream and converts it into small units known as amino acids.
The insufficient amount of insulin formation leads to increased blood sugar levels in the body which have adverse effects like
Numbness in the limbs
Foul body odor
Increased micturition
Rapid dryness in the mouth and throat
Though there are several factors responsible for a disease to occur, chopping down to the Ayurvedic management for diabetes aspect we would like to draw your attention to the lifestyle pattern which plays a huge role in one's health.
Factors for diabetes such as
The minimum amount of physical activity (Sitting like a couch potato)
Irregular sleep cycle
Excessive consumption of dairy products including milk, butter, etc
Heavy intake of meat
Sanitary lifestyle as well as environmental factors all contribute to the event of disease.
All three Doshas are involved in the build-up of a diabetic ailment but primarily Kapha dosha plays a major role.
All the food items and attributes which contribute to the increase of Kapha dosha in our body are responsible for conditions that eventually lead to diabetes.
Diabetic patients frequently struggle with a simple impairment such as
dryness of mouth,
urge to drink water continuously.
Disability to digest food leading loose motions
Inflamed body reactions.
Constant body weakness
Dushyas are the pathway or mode that transfer various substances across the body.
Medha - fat
Rakta - blood (communicating tissue)
Shukra - sperma
Jal - water
Vasa - fat
Lasika - lymph
Rasa- fluid content
Oaj -
Mansa - muscles
are the 10 dushya which are contaminated due to the elevated levels of doshas.
The main body system which is affected or mainly targeted is the urinary system.
As per Ayurveda, a certain balance in the various aspects of life can help us to balance the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha along with detoxification of all the stories which are the passage or route that allows a flow of different content in the body.
All the Ayurvedic treatments for diabetes patients hinge on the combinations of medicine and therapy along with on the body type of an individual.
There are two types of diabetic person
Sthula pramehi
Krusha pramehi
Keeping that in mind the line of alterations in the healthy routine can be incorporated as a prophylactic practice to maintain an eventful life.
Although there are numerous medicines available on the market, depending on hormonal supplements somehow decreases the body's resistance and makes the human body environment more susceptible to other complementary infections.
Pinning down the few approaches for diabetes ayurvedic treatment by which one could improve their blood sugar levels.
Santarpan or Snehana
Soaking Barley Flour in Triphala decoction overnight. Straining it and then giving it a good stir fry with ghee (clarified butter) and pouring some honey with sugarcane vinegar allows it to become a proper liquid soup.
This yog is very lightweight and allows the vatta balance in the body.
Physical exercises
-An early morning walk is always a good idea to start the day.
-Waking up at Brahma Muhurta has innumerable other benefits.
-It is said that in Brahma Muhurta the environment has the least amount of dust particles in it. There is a sense of serendipity between the environment and body as the earth generates energy which is transferred to the human body.
-Physical activities that are suggested for ayurvedic management of diabetes allow the flow of blood without any restriction with a healthy breathing pattern that ensures a good amount of oxygen levels in the blood.
When there is an increased amount of body weight with fat deposition which occurs due to a lofty amount of Kapha in the body. The grown fatty tissues in the body restrict body motions and are all direct reasons that support a diabetic environment.
Healthy Tonic
Intake of Ayurvedic herbs for diabetes such as decoction prepared from Triphala , honey syrup, and sugarcane vinegar regularly balances diabetic Kapha dosha along with decreasing the susceptibility to other infections.
Yoga Asana
Along with cleansing of the body, alignment of mind and soul is equally as crucial.Yoga Asana isn't about random poses - it involves all the chakras of your body and a deep sense of relaxation of mind and soul as a part of Ayurvedic treatment for diabetics. A few asana that genuinely helps to regulate diabetes are:-
Viprita Karini
When there is increased Vata dosha in the body following symptoms are present
persistent pinning pain,
abdominal discomfort,
lack of lubrication,
and dull completion of the body.
All these situations are treated with Snehana therapy as Ayurveda management for diabetes. There are certain situations where Vata dosha is combined with Kapha and that needs to be treated with medicinal oil intake. Amla, Haldi, Baheda, Dhatri - decoction of these items helps to clear the stories.
As we all know that due to the increased dosha in the body there is a certain deterioration of the immunity system of the body. One should keep in mind that Ayurveda treatment for diabetes patients along with preventive care is necessary to minimize the harmful effects of other microorganisms causing harm to the body.
Deep Ayurveda also formulated a natural remedy for diabetes called Diacure. Regular Use of Diacure can be very beneficial to manage blood glucose level and to manage diabetes without any secondary complications. It's made with thr combination of plant extracts (Phytochemicals).

Reviewed By
Dr. Sapna Kangotra
Senior Ayurveda Doctor